Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Have been reading for a while about MacFUSE. This is a port of the FUSE filesystem api on Linux by Google's Amit Singh. FUSE is Filesystem in USErland. It lets the operating system see everything as a filesystem. So you can connect to GMail and see it a mount with all mails in it, or you can ssh to a remote box and see it as a mount and browse to it. There is a driver to mount NTFS filesystem on a Mac. This should be reason enough to try it out.

The Mac port is still in beta though and can be had from the above link. It has a wiki which provides all the info. One more link with a simple howto.

You can mount ssh connections as a filesystem without going through MacFUSE. You will need to visit sshfs for Darwin.

Looking forward to trying this out. :)

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